China Coal Monitor October 2023

October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
Carlo Robiati

🔥 The latest edition of the China Coal Monitor is now available! 🔥 Feel free to request a copy at

In August, power production remained near the all-time high of 846 TWH that was reached in July. However, DBX anticipates that power generation in September and October will likely dip below 800 TWH, mainly due to cooler temperatures. Thermal power generation has begun to decrease due to the rise in hydro and wind power production driven by windy and wet conditions.

Despite decreasing slightly from August, Chinese coal imports remained steady at near all-time high levels in September, with over 30 million tonnes of thermal coal and 8 million tonnes of metallurgical coal. October imports are expected to pick up a bit due to stagnant domestic coal output and robust power demand.

This report is tailor-made for policymakers, energy and steel industry experts, as well as savvy investors looking to navigate the ever-evolving energy and steel markets.

🚀 Key Highlights:

1. Comprehensive Coal Price Analysis and Forecasts

2. Imports and Domestic Flows

3. Domestic Mining Output

4. Power Generation and Steel Production

5. Stockpiles